The Cathedral Scholars
The St Mary’s Cathedral Scholars are a group of young men who were previously Choristers in Saint Mary’s Cathedral Choir, and sing together as an elite choral ensemble. The Scholars continue their choral career while they are still at the Cathedral’s choir school, St Mary’s Cathedral College.
The Scholars sing regularly at Cathedral liturgies: on Wednesday evenings during term they sing Vespers together, and then join the junior Choristers for Mass at 5.30 p.m; on two Saturdays a month they sing First Vespers of Sunday and then they sing at the 6 p.m. Mass. For concerts and major feasts they join forces with the main Cathedral Choir. The Scholars also have the opportunity to make domestic and international tours, and to sing concerts.
The Cathedral Scholars’ programme is unique in the way it offers continued training and opportunities for regular singing to its Choristers after their voices change: this demonstrates the Cathedral’s commitment to the ongoing musical development of the young men in its care. Some Scholars go on to choral and musical careers in Australia and abroad; some even return to sing in the Choir as Lay Clerks!