You can securely donate online to support the Palestrina Foundation and all the fine music at St Mary’s Cathedral. Major credit cards are accepted. Donations of $2 and over are tax-deductible in Australia.
Your support is vital.
The Palestrina Foundation has been established to support Saint Mary’s Cathedral Choir. The Choir could not continue to exist without the generosity of donors like you.
Through the donations it receives, the Palestrina Foundation is able to:
Support the Choristers and Cathedral Scholars, thus assisting with the education of boys from a wide range of backgrounds, and ensuring the development of highly skilled Australian musicians.
Assist with the ongoing performance of liturgical music by professional musicians in St Mary’s Cathedral so that people in Sydney and around the globe can access world-class choral music, while also allowing us to maintain a cultural heritage which spans more than 500 years.
Commission new works of choral music from contemporary composers, thus ensuring that we can contribute to the repertoire of choirs of generations to come.
Help the musicians of the Choir to engage with communities outside the reach of St Mary’s Cathedral through tours, master classes, and training sessions.
Please support us in our important cultural and artistic work today with a generous donation. Click on ‘Donate Now’ to make a secure tax-deductible donation online. Thank you for your assistance.
For more information, or to discuss other donation options, please get in touch with the Palestrina Foundation.